This part I can't say whether BW is better or worse. Both are good. Because I use white balance not so strange this time.
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for the most part, i like the B&W versions better, but that's just me. :-) sebastel | 评论人:dropin 评论日期:2006-10-29 20:12 |
Last time when arrived Vienna, I was so exhausted. The only good thing I did, was sitting at the wall root of museum quatier, day dreaming. I didn't fancy it much, for so many churches old buildings, are baroque style. That doesn't work with me a lot. But Staat Opera is an exception. At night, it's the most beautiful place, shining with charm.
First encounter
First encounter 2
What will happen inside of it?
Youth outside
The other day we decided to get in. Ballet Onegin, 7 euro.
Staat Opera 3
Day light
Life runs outside
Crossing and StaatOpera
But inside, nothing ever changed since many years ago.
Ballet mother and daughter
gate way
Ticket both
A conversation before a closed window This is exactly the moment I feel so so so old style
The very interesting design, with mirrors on both corridar ends, it is a endless long way.
ceiling of Baroque
A discussion on sofa
The side hall works as a drinking place. But I contantly think it is a ball hall, or a dancing practice field.
All about ballet
All about ballet 2
Baroque hall
godness overlook the city
The opera hall. It is high, steep and dizzy. Well, union congress meeting in Star War is not a suprise for Vienna people, for them, it's just a so so meeting inside of Staat Opera.
A look at the band from very high position.
Of course the ballet itself is brilliant, we had a good time. At first we sat on very right side, usually it is not a problem I guess, they can't only dance in right part of the stage, Nora said when we booked the ticket. But unfortunately quite some story happened there this time. And we saw a good seat empty in center part. We tried to slip there, but caught by the sharp eye doorman. :( 'Your tickets. Show me your tickets.' the old fashion dressed man called us out and asked me. 'No, you can only sit back to your seats, madam.' Then we asked whether we can stand in the back row of center part. That's ok. From then on we got a very nice view. SHY is so happy about it. She's a ballet fan, even took about 1 year adult ballet classes, and got ankel hurt. 'Were we stay longer, we should see it again.' sighed she. I need to read Onegin again. Why it is called 'Eugene Onegin' here? I remember the Chinese version book is something like 'Yevgeni Onegin'....
草草万一路过可别错过,嗯,得过去留个言 | 评论人:乱看 评论日期:2006-10-28 20:46 | |
谢谢! 我在电视上看了一小段。不是很帅,所以没有看下去:) 《奥涅金》很久以前见过查良铮的译本,不知现在还有没有。 侧影摔锅的新作:《上海的伯爵夫人》(?)the white countess 大概也是要为爱而死的…… 哈里波特里也有他。当时没看出来。 | 评论人:草草天涯 评论日期:2006-10-29 11:33 | |
"Eugen" (german) and "Eugene" (english) are just the western versions of the same name "Yevgeny" (russian). very nice pictures again! cheers, sebastian | 评论人:dropin 评论日期:2006-10-29 20:11 | |
Thanks, so that's Eugen(e), sounds very different... 对啊,我最近刚又复习了一把英国病人,这下很有感觉,总算看明白讲的啥啦。这个帅哥眼神迷人,一下子觉得他演奥尼金非常非常有说服力啊。 但从封面看,好像小姑娘的长相感觉不如这个芭蕾里面的准,单纯瘦削轻盈。 打算找来看看
啊?!原来他演的是伏地魔!难怪看不出来! 巧啊,演完了匈牙利伯爵,就走到了伯爵夫人身边。:),这个就是俺复习的最大成果,片中帅哥说他是布达佩斯长大地,大家说你不在城堡里呆着往沙漠跑个啥,嘿嘿。
搜了一下,他的电影如下: Ralph Fiennes 咦?他还演Wuthering Heights
他演Heathcliff么?有点难想象……Juliette Binoche倒感觉满象的 | 评论人:乱看 评论日期:2006-10-30 11:15 | |
是他演的Heathcliff(/希克刺力夫:) 看剧照我才反应过来,演女主角跟《英国病人》里演法国护士的是同一人:)她那么有名,我却记不住名字…… 《英国病人》的原著写得很美,推荐。 | 评论人:草草天涯 评论日期:2006-10-30 19:42 | |
还有《辛德勒的名单》: | 评论人:草草天涯 评论日期:2006-10-30 20:24 | |
| 评论人:乱看 评论日期:2006-11-1 10:33 | |
不记得究竟有没有看过那本书了,可能是借的?大概读得比较困难,终于也不理解。只记得反复出现的希罗多德希罗多德,博罗奔尼撒战争史,还有那个印度人是锡克兵。 蒙昧状况下读的书终究没什么用。 现在好些了,应该可以再看看了。 | 评论人:乱看 评论日期:2006-11-1 10:52 | |
emmm ... wrong sequence, need to be bleu - blanc - rouge these are the colours of "la grande nation". "allons enfants de la patrie le jour de gloire est arrivee conte nous de la tyrannie l'etendard sanglant est levee ... ..." (etc. "la marseillaise", french national anthem - stemming from the french revolution) by the way, talking of juliette binoche - another movie i like a lot is "Boy Meets Girl", director: leos carax. cheers, sebastian | 评论人:dropin 评论日期:2006-11-4 3:59 | |
It's a B&W film? Seems a lot of people love it...sounds good, need to find it. | 评论人:乱看 评论日期:2006-11-11 22:11 |