1. 最近还是很有动力的。痛感昨是而今非。同时还有写在哪里的问题,GFW里面的人们是多么分裂啊。想想还是回来吧,不写其实是没有留时间思考,所以惘。
2. 动力主要在国庆假期那天,带小转去看眼睛发炎。总是这样,等啊等了几天见他眼角还是红红的我们就呆不住了,在最后一天假期里去看排了n长的急诊。结果见到急诊医生我羞愧地发现其实他眼睛已经不红了。
在医院门口的混乱中等候时,抱睡着的他坐在马路边一个台阶上刷手机,好久FEW才跑来说怎么不进边上的星巴克。是啊是啊,真是心不在焉。于是歪在咖啡座里看了孙忠旭译的Raymond Carver的On Writing.
这很重要。因为那几句话在脑子里直打转回响。他说,There's no tricks in writing. Not no cheap tricks. No tricks.奇怪的是看的是中文,脑子里回转的却完全是这个。
3.和长园聊Empty Cup,发现功课做得太少,基本功差。话说工作么,成天讲那些语法破碎错误百出的英文没什么关系,完全不影响交流甚至还有可能吵赢嘴仗,顺利地走在语言越来越差的大道上。
其间我多次反驳,不是不是,可是我做不到,没时间啊,可是可是。。。但她是对的,这才是root cause。
6. 每个人都有自己的理由。那天去de-escalate一个case,那个印度人真是。。。前一小时说backend有问题,后一小时矢口否认,非常情绪化,最后被逼问之后愤然说我不要和你讲话了,有话写信有事烧香。总之,作为suppose去control situation的人,结果完全激怒了对方,挺搞笑的,这么多年来又嗅到了被投诉的气味。心里暗想,难怪你的问题这么久了毫无进展啊。中午和Ivy一起查要删lock需要对方同意,我说他不要和我讲话,Ivy说那她打电话吧。后来告诉我此人道歉了,说自己适才十分粗鲁。下午最后交接前又打电话去确认些事情,他果然道歉了,sorry啦,being rude啦,然后随口聊了聊,他倒霉的一天从凌晨3点开始,赶飞机为此事救场,转眼现在又凌晨3点了,没什么起色。挺可怜的,于是建议他先睡4个小时,问题的复杂度我觉得4小时内不会有很明确的解法,不如4小时内不来骚扰他了。他同意之余还一个劲说任何需要随时打电话啊没关系的。
2. 动力主要在国庆假期那天,带小转去看眼睛发炎。总是这样,等啊等了几天见他眼角还是红红的我们就呆不住了,在最后一天假期里去看排了n长的急诊。结果见到急诊医生我羞愧地发现其实他眼睛已经不红了。
在医院门口的混乱中等候时,抱睡着的他坐在马路边一个台阶上刷手机,好久FEW才跑来说怎么不进边上的星巴克。是啊是啊,真是心不在焉。于是歪在咖啡座里看了孙忠旭译的Raymond Carver的On Writing.
这很重要。因为那几句话在脑子里直打转回响。他说,There's no tricks in writing. Not no cheap tricks. No tricks.奇怪的是看的是中文,脑子里回转的却完全是这个。
3.和长园聊Empty Cup,发现功课做得太少,基本功差。话说工作么,成天讲那些语法破碎错误百出的英文没什么关系,完全不影响交流甚至还有可能吵赢嘴仗,顺利地走在语言越来越差的大道上。
其间我多次反驳,不是不是,可是我做不到,没时间啊,可是可是。。。但她是对的,这才是root cause。
6. 每个人都有自己的理由。那天去de-escalate一个case,那个印度人真是。。。前一小时说backend有问题,后一小时矢口否认,非常情绪化,最后被逼问之后愤然说我不要和你讲话了,有话写信有事烧香。总之,作为suppose去control situation的人,结果完全激怒了对方,挺搞笑的,这么多年来又嗅到了被投诉的气味。心里暗想,难怪你的问题这么久了毫无进展啊。中午和Ivy一起查要删lock需要对方同意,我说他不要和我讲话,Ivy说那她打电话吧。后来告诉我此人道歉了,说自己适才十分粗鲁。下午最后交接前又打电话去确认些事情,他果然道歉了,sorry啦,being rude啦,然后随口聊了聊,他倒霉的一天从凌晨3点开始,赶飞机为此事救场,转眼现在又凌晨3点了,没什么起色。挺可怜的,于是建议他先睡4个小时,问题的复杂度我觉得4小时内不会有很明确的解法,不如4小时内不来骚扰他了。他同意之余还一个劲说任何需要随时打电话啊没关系的。
On the Rocket
You never how the story will go.
In a cloudy Saturday afternoon, DoDo sits at the bedstand and asks me to get ready: She is starting our rocket now, as the Captain.
"Sit well! Now I start engine! We are outing of the earth! It is very noisy. Too-too-too-TOO!"
Well, a very old fashioned rocket we are on, obviously. Must be in an old tractor shape.
"Be careful! Too-too-TOO!" More complicated actions from her feet. "We go up. Now I'll use the brake... We are lowing now... Up again!' This machine is much more functional advanced than it sounds.
"We are out of earth now~ Up and up... Too-too-too...Be careful... We are out of earth again. We need to get out earth twice so that we can see them..."
"Who are THEM?"
"The Shells. They are all colorful: Red, green, blue, yellow, pink, orange, brown... and transparent red, transparent green, transparent blue, transparent yellow, transparent pink, transparent orange, transparent brown... And Mickey Mouses. They are also living here. That dark shaddow over there, you see? That's from Mickey Mouses."
All sounds really great, the outer space.
The other day we are talking about 'Who can fly?' I can see she realy likes the game. Because later on she asks me: "Can we talke about 'who can fly' again?"
The game becomes very interesting after we count up all the regular things: All birds, butterflys, dragonflys, planes, kites, baloons...
At this stage, you will realize how pathetic it is that most of things in this world can't fly. Flying is such a precious gift one can have.
"Doraemon can fly!"
"Ah yes, that's a good answer."
"And the little flying elephant, in Disney."
"Yes, that also counts."
"ok, when falling in autumn."
"Plastic bag."
"Hmm...when wind blows it up." This immediately reminds me that impressive long video of dancing plastic bag in American Beauty. Of course DoDo doesn't know that, but she catches the same theme.
"How about dirt?"
"No, it can't fly."
"But if you count leaf and snow in, dirt should also be in. It floats in the air."
"Ok, dirt's in."
Maybe that's exactly the same reason why kids are always crazy about airplanes.
"Airplanes!!" They will always scream out with joy, pointing up to the sky.
So this autumn the kindergarten outing is unforgetable. They went to a park just beside Pudong airport.
It's such a corrupted park, with a few very smelly goats, donkey, peakcocks without tails, ostrich locked in a broken cage... I guess no one will get into such a park if kindergartens didn't organize the activity.
But this doesn't matter at all. All kids are very exciting. First of all, they are in a unknown place with all friends arround. Plus, airplanes!
Every 5 or 10 minutes, there is such a huge plane sliding overhead, landing to the airport just a few miles west.
"Airplane!!!" They all scream out.
"Airplane!!!!" They scream out again shortly. Even the logo on the plane is so clear.
And it feels so unreal when you see all kids running, chasing, laughing on the ground with a huge plane in the sky as background.
The sky looks gloomy. Seems it is going to rain. I look out of window.
"What are you doing, mama? The rocket will depart soon."
"Ok, then you shall be quick. We are going to depart. But I will wait for you."
"Where are we?"
"Shore. We will leave shortly...But I will wait for you, of course. What do you see outside?"
"Hmmm....Stars...Meteors...They are also colorful, just like firworks we saw before...And I see an alien there."
DoDo doesn't even raise her head, "O, he's from the same class of mine."
Then I realize she means 'work class', because she continues, "He's my colleague."
"What does he do?"
"I don't know. I know him, but I don't know what he does. Why should I know?" So it is really a big company.
"He's also driving a rocket now." She said, "But that one is not his. He borrows it. At the beginning he wants to just ride in a rocket, but he can't find a pilot. There are only policemen arround. So he decides to borrow one and drive it himself. It's more convenient."
"Why policmen can't be the pilot?"
"They are policemen! Of course they can't drive rocket. They can only catch the bad guys, etc!"
There are always many 'why why why'. Some of them are really tough.
The recent one is: Why trains can only run on rails, but can't direclty run on roads while cars can only on roads but not on rails?
This is hard. Especially when she put her argument as her little Thomas can run both on the rails and directly on the floor.
And there are really points in this question. If you put aside all the historical technique limitations, there is really no good reason to just design out a cargo that can only run on rails at the very beginning. And history is not an acceptable answer for a question start with 'Why'.
In such occasions of my failure answers, she will suggest very considerately: Maybe you go and ask your colleagues about that? Then you tell me later.
How does she know that my so called 'at work' is actually just asking questions to backend colleagues and forging out an answer full of false logic but somehow looks very true? Hmmm...
"We will leave. Close the door now."
"Ok, I will close the bedroom door."
She's shocked, "Why do you think here is the door? The door is at our apartment entrance. How can you ride on a rocket without playing a little bit in the living room now and then? And Zz is playing out there now..."
"Well, I thought it is just a plane size."
"A rocket surely is bigger than an airplane....Have you finish your sightseeing?"
"I will also get off now." The pilot suddenly changes her mind, "Let's collect some Shells here. Many many of them. We put them in the bag. Zz needs them as toys."
She starts picking. "Need to clean them." So she hands me a tissue. "I pick. And you clean them."
So in that Saturday afteroon going to rain, we stand on a shore of the space, collect Shells, wipe them clean with a soft tissue and put them back in a big big bag that never exists. Hundreds, thousands of colorful Shells...
In a cloudy Saturday afternoon, DoDo sits at the bedstand and asks me to get ready: She is starting our rocket now, as the Captain.
"Sit well! Now I start engine! We are outing of the earth! It is very noisy. Too-too-too-TOO!"
Well, a very old fashioned rocket we are on, obviously. Must be in an old tractor shape.
"Be careful! Too-too-TOO!" More complicated actions from her feet. "We go up. Now I'll use the brake... We are lowing now... Up again!' This machine is much more functional advanced than it sounds.
"We are out of earth now~ Up and up... Too-too-too...Be careful... We are out of earth again. We need to get out earth twice so that we can see them..."
"Who are THEM?"
"The Shells. They are all colorful: Red, green, blue, yellow, pink, orange, brown... and transparent red, transparent green, transparent blue, transparent yellow, transparent pink, transparent orange, transparent brown... And Mickey Mouses. They are also living here. That dark shaddow over there, you see? That's from Mickey Mouses."
All sounds really great, the outer space.
The other day we are talking about 'Who can fly?' I can see she realy likes the game. Because later on she asks me: "Can we talke about 'who can fly' again?"
The game becomes very interesting after we count up all the regular things: All birds, butterflys, dragonflys, planes, kites, baloons...
At this stage, you will realize how pathetic it is that most of things in this world can't fly. Flying is such a precious gift one can have.
"Doraemon can fly!"
"Ah yes, that's a good answer."
"And the little flying elephant, in Disney."
"Yes, that also counts."
"ok, when falling in autumn."
"Plastic bag."
"Hmm...when wind blows it up." This immediately reminds me that impressive long video of dancing plastic bag in American Beauty. Of course DoDo doesn't know that, but she catches the same theme.
"How about dirt?"
"No, it can't fly."
"But if you count leaf and snow in, dirt should also be in. It floats in the air."
"Ok, dirt's in."
Maybe that's exactly the same reason why kids are always crazy about airplanes.
"Airplanes!!" They will always scream out with joy, pointing up to the sky.
So this autumn the kindergarten outing is unforgetable. They went to a park just beside Pudong airport.
It's such a corrupted park, with a few very smelly goats, donkey, peakcocks without tails, ostrich locked in a broken cage... I guess no one will get into such a park if kindergartens didn't organize the activity.
But this doesn't matter at all. All kids are very exciting. First of all, they are in a unknown place with all friends arround. Plus, airplanes!
Every 5 or 10 minutes, there is such a huge plane sliding overhead, landing to the airport just a few miles west.
"Airplane!!!" They all scream out.
"Airplane!!!!" They scream out again shortly. Even the logo on the plane is so clear.
And it feels so unreal when you see all kids running, chasing, laughing on the ground with a huge plane in the sky as background.
The sky looks gloomy. Seems it is going to rain. I look out of window.
"What are you doing, mama? The rocket will depart soon."
"Ok, then you shall be quick. We are going to depart. But I will wait for you."
"Where are we?"
"Shore. We will leave shortly...But I will wait for you, of course. What do you see outside?"
"Hmmm....Stars...Meteors...They are also colorful, just like firworks we saw before...And I see an alien there."
DoDo doesn't even raise her head, "O, he's from the same class of mine."
Then I realize she means 'work class', because she continues, "He's my colleague."
"What does he do?"
"I don't know. I know him, but I don't know what he does. Why should I know?" So it is really a big company.
"He's also driving a rocket now." She said, "But that one is not his. He borrows it. At the beginning he wants to just ride in a rocket, but he can't find a pilot. There are only policemen arround. So he decides to borrow one and drive it himself. It's more convenient."
"Why policmen can't be the pilot?"
"They are policemen! Of course they can't drive rocket. They can only catch the bad guys, etc!"
There are always many 'why why why'. Some of them are really tough.
The recent one is: Why trains can only run on rails, but can't direclty run on roads while cars can only on roads but not on rails?
This is hard. Especially when she put her argument as her little Thomas can run both on the rails and directly on the floor.
And there are really points in this question. If you put aside all the historical technique limitations, there is really no good reason to just design out a cargo that can only run on rails at the very beginning. And history is not an acceptable answer for a question start with 'Why'.
In such occasions of my failure answers, she will suggest very considerately: Maybe you go and ask your colleagues about that? Then you tell me later.
How does she know that my so called 'at work' is actually just asking questions to backend colleagues and forging out an answer full of false logic but somehow looks very true? Hmmm...
"We will leave. Close the door now."
"Ok, I will close the bedroom door."
She's shocked, "Why do you think here is the door? The door is at our apartment entrance. How can you ride on a rocket without playing a little bit in the living room now and then? And Zz is playing out there now..."
"Well, I thought it is just a plane size."
"A rocket surely is bigger than an airplane....Have you finish your sightseeing?"
"I will also get off now." The pilot suddenly changes her mind, "Let's collect some Shells here. Many many of them. We put them in the bag. Zz needs them as toys."
She starts picking. "Need to clean them." So she hands me a tissue. "I pick. And you clean them."
So in that Saturday afteroon going to rain, we stand on a shore of the space, collect Shells, wipe them clean with a soft tissue and put them back in a big big bag that never exists. Hundreds, thousands of colorful Shells...
Teacher's Day
Sep 10th is the Teacher's Day.
Last year I remember I bought 3 flower bouquets for DoDo. It was really happy holding those flowers in a sunny morning on the way to kindergarten. So she was excited and told me: "Mama, as if we two are just getting married!"
That was funny. I smiled and bent over: "Ah yes. Happy wedding's day, honey."
But there was something wrong. It was more about money instead of about gifts. I payed, then she sent them as gifts. Also there was such a confusion: am I showing the kid how to bribe the teachers? If I really have to do something at that day, maybe it's a chance to explain what a gift is, what is really a 'Thank You' to teachers. So I decided next time only buy single flowers and DoDo needs to do something herself.
With 3 purple water lilies in hands, I think hard: what is the something I planned for DoDo last year? Drawing cards? Anyway, she can do that now. And I do have blank postcards at home.
DoDo likes the task. And it's also a easy time for me, I can just lay on sofa and play the fishing game. She invites me to join, but I tell her I will write for her, so the painting part is all hers.
The startup are always flowers, sun, moon, stars...as in usual kid's drawing.
Then comes the interesting conversation.
"Mama, do you know where do the sun, the earth, the moon come from?"
That's a hard question. Shall I mention that boring big bang? "No, I don't know...."
"I'll tell you. In evening, the sun, flea out of the earth. And in morning, the moon flea out of the earth. The moon, performs retransmission (where did she get such complicated tech words?) for the earth... There is a small window on the earth. So sometimes the sun and the moon can find it and run out of earth. That's why they can run away."
"Really? That's very interesting."
"Yes, it is."
And on the other day while walking arround , she comes back to this topic again.
"Mama, do you know how comes the sun, the earth, and the moon?"
This time I confess my ignorance without hesitation: "I don't know, honey."
"Let me tell you. The moon, is hatched out of an egg. (This I have a clue, days before she asked me where cockcroaches come from) This, happens outside of the earth. Then the moon enters into the earth, together with stars. They come together. But the sun is different..."
So good to know there are so many possiblities and varieties about this normal world arround me. Almost like an Asimov's fiction.
Later, on one card I see a blue flower, a '6', and a green thunder bolt.
The only problem is, the color pencil doesn't work well with the postcard paper. So although they are good enough drawing for stupid parents like me. Still not in a gift style.
I can only suggest her to put some water color on it, to excite the picture.
So DoDo continues. It turns out to be a total rework. Water colors cover up all old pencil pictures. And the result is far far beyond my imagination.
Here are the final products:
A garden, I suppose. Because obviously it is about flowers. I like it immediately for the bright colors.
This one we talked about punching the brush. She was laughing when doing so. I said the punch printout is really nice. Then she told me the left red one is a bird. Then I realize it is such a vivid flying scarlet bird. It is a result of coincidence. But so great.
This one I didn't like at first. It's just a big purple circle. So I kept suggesting her put more colors on. At last she explained, this is "a typhoon affects the flower in the center". Immediately I admit it is a great painting. This summer we've got quite some typhoons. She's so impressed by the weather forecast. For typhoon, I've got 1.5 days home office with DoDo singing and dancing arround, to speed up my debugging, which really works.
The next day, Dad sends DoDo to kindergarten gate with the water lilies and the cards. Then it's all her way up.
When she's back in the evening, I ask, "Have you given them to Teacher Li, Teacher Qiu and Antie Li?"
"Are they happy?"
"What did they say?"
She looks confused, "I don't know."
Now all feel right.
Last year I remember I bought 3 flower bouquets for DoDo. It was really happy holding those flowers in a sunny morning on the way to kindergarten. So she was excited and told me: "Mama, as if we two are just getting married!"
That was funny. I smiled and bent over: "Ah yes. Happy wedding's day, honey."
But there was something wrong. It was more about money instead of about gifts. I payed, then she sent them as gifts. Also there was such a confusion: am I showing the kid how to bribe the teachers? If I really have to do something at that day, maybe it's a chance to explain what a gift is, what is really a 'Thank You' to teachers. So I decided next time only buy single flowers and DoDo needs to do something herself.
With 3 purple water lilies in hands, I think hard: what is the something I planned for DoDo last year? Drawing cards? Anyway, she can do that now. And I do have blank postcards at home.
DoDo likes the task. And it's also a easy time for me, I can just lay on sofa and play the fishing game. She invites me to join, but I tell her I will write for her, so the painting part is all hers.
The startup are always flowers, sun, moon, stars...as in usual kid's drawing.
Then comes the interesting conversation.
"Mama, do you know where do the sun, the earth, the moon come from?"
That's a hard question. Shall I mention that boring big bang? "No, I don't know...."
"I'll tell you. In evening, the sun, flea out of the earth. And in morning, the moon flea out of the earth. The moon, performs retransmission (where did she get such complicated tech words?) for the earth... There is a small window on the earth. So sometimes the sun and the moon can find it and run out of earth. That's why they can run away."
"Really? That's very interesting."
"Yes, it is."
And on the other day while walking arround , she comes back to this topic again.
"Mama, do you know how comes the sun, the earth, and the moon?"
This time I confess my ignorance without hesitation: "I don't know, honey."
"Let me tell you. The moon, is hatched out of an egg. (This I have a clue, days before she asked me where cockcroaches come from) This, happens outside of the earth. Then the moon enters into the earth, together with stars. They come together. But the sun is different..."
So good to know there are so many possiblities and varieties about this normal world arround me. Almost like an Asimov's fiction.
Later, on one card I see a blue flower, a '6', and a green thunder bolt.
The only problem is, the color pencil doesn't work well with the postcard paper. So although they are good enough drawing for stupid parents like me. Still not in a gift style.
I can only suggest her to put some water color on it, to excite the picture.
So DoDo continues. It turns out to be a total rework. Water colors cover up all old pencil pictures. And the result is far far beyond my imagination.
Here are the final products:
A garden, I suppose. Because obviously it is about flowers. I like it immediately for the bright colors.
This one we talked about punching the brush. She was laughing when doing so. I said the punch printout is really nice. Then she told me the left red one is a bird. Then I realize it is such a vivid flying scarlet bird. It is a result of coincidence. But so great.
This one I didn't like at first. It's just a big purple circle. So I kept suggesting her put more colors on. At last she explained, this is "a typhoon affects the flower in the center". Immediately I admit it is a great painting. This summer we've got quite some typhoons. She's so impressed by the weather forecast. For typhoon, I've got 1.5 days home office with DoDo singing and dancing arround, to speed up my debugging, which really works.
The next day, Dad sends DoDo to kindergarten gate with the water lilies and the cards. Then it's all her way up.
When she's back in the evening, I ask, "Have you given them to Teacher Li, Teacher Qiu and Antie Li?"
"Are they happy?"
"What did they say?"
She looks confused, "I don't know."
Now all feel right.
Alexandra Leaving
Suddenly the night has grown colder.
The god of love preparing to depart.
Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder,
They slip between the sentries of the heart.
Upheld by the simplicities of pleasure,
They gain the light, they formlessly entwine;
And radiant beyond your widest measure
They fall among the voices and the wine.
It's not a trick, your senses all deceiving,
A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust ?
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.
Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.
As someone long prepared for this to happen,
Go firmly to the window. Drink it in.
Exquisite music. Alexandra laughing.
Your first commitments tangible again.
And you who had the honor of her evening,
And by the honor had your own restored ?
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving;
Alexandra leaving with her lord.
Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.
As someone long prepared for the occasion;
In full command of every plan you wrecked ?
Do not choose a coward's explanation
that hides behind the cause and the effect.
And you who were bewildered by a meaning;
Whose code was broken, crucifix uncrossed ?
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.
很恍惚,9年前的自己在想些什么?已经完全不记得还听过Leonard Cohen了。居然还知道他么?
Alexandra Leaving
Suddenly the night has grown colder.
The god of love preparing to depart.
Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder,
They slip between the sentries of the heart.
Upheld by the simplicities of pleasure,
They gain the light, they formlessly entwine;
And radiant beyond your widest measure
They fall among the voices and the wine.
It's not a trick, your senses all deceiving,
A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust ?
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.
Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.
As someone long prepared for this to happen,
Go firmly to the window. Drink it in.
Exquisite music. Alexandra laughing.
Your first commitments tangible again.
And you who had the honor of her evening,
And by the honor had your own restored ?
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving;
Alexandra leaving with her lord.
Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.
As someone long prepared for the occasion;
In full command of every plan you wrecked ?
Do not choose a coward's explanation
that hides behind the cause and the effect.
And you who were bewildered by a meaning;
Whose code was broken, crucifix uncrossed ?
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.
很恍惚,9年前的自己在想些什么?已经完全不记得还听过Leonard Cohen了。居然还知道他么?
11.26.1 Fishing
11.26.2 "Hurrrr! Dinasaur coming!!"
11.29.1 Chef at rest
11. 22 Doting Granny
12.16.2 Father and Son at a Surgical Room
12.18. Backpacker
12.26. On the Metro (n+1)
12.30. On the Metro (n+2)
2.8. On the Metro (n+3)
2.9. On the Metro (n+4)
2.20.1. After the Dentist finished his work.
3.13. The Psychologist
3.28. On the Metro (n+5)
4.4.1. A Bicycar
4.4.2 Jumping is fun
4.21. Kids runing and playing in a restaurant, Hangzhou.
5.27 "The ball is as fast as me."
6.8.1. Knitting at the Dentist's.
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