

  Goergia's photo album
  It's interesting. Different view point. Her camera has 12x zoom function. So quite some pic are abstract. Out pics can just match together, from mine, you know where it is taken, then you see the zoom-in in her photos. :)
  I like lot of them.
  Also her photo in Dalian, really nice.

dropin 2005-6-2 0:32

  Thank you for the link, Georgia's photos are very remarkable. She's got the eye for shapes and colours. The red-golden roofs, the shining young leaves, the views through doors and doors, the highest building in Singapore whith lantern in front, colourful windows at Arab Street...it's impressing how she always finds the right section and angle.
  I thought about why I like particularly your photos so much, lk. I feel like understanding them: they are telling stories to me. You've got the eye for the special, the atmosphere, the situation and the right moment.


晕死!idItem 被禁止,大家自己改吧。狂郁闷,什么破事
  Mr. Bamboo pick up bird again. This time little hern, parents died because of hunters. Now he's the parents.
Please make idItem=xxx compact, faint, it is forbiden number!

[花 痴岁月]一个野生植物爱好者的行走笔记——枫溪[上]

[花 痴岁月]一个野生植物爱好者的行走笔记_枫溪[中]

[花 痴岁月]一个野生植物爱好者的行走笔记—枫溪[下]


Day 7 - Santosa


Bridge to the southest point of Aisan continent
Palm and beach
again Frangipani, in red

鹦鹉螺 Nautilus pompilius
I didn't see it clear in Dalian Aquarium, they hide too far back. Now it is clear
And this is the inside struture, a lot of little air rooms, work exactly the way of submarine. Actually said submarine is invented based on the old old Nautilus pompilius. The first submarine is named after Nautilus pompilius?
This picture took in Dalian shell museum in Jan.
Again this cool general! It happens he's just upside down. ;)
Let me check with previous page, so we can match the bottom side with the back.
See the back image at: 鲎 Limulus

Limulus polyphemus ?
Horseshoe Crab
Jellyfish, cuttlefish and octopus. 水母,鱿鱼乌贼,章鱼 Very confusing
This is cuttlefish. Now I get some sense. octopus is the one can fight with whale (very impressive, em, I must put on shell museum pics later)
All cuttlefish stay in the watter can motionless (skirt edge waving), eyes sleeping.
Note, it is now yellow.
Minutes later when I turn back, the same guy turns purple!
Australian weedy seadragon 草海龙
丝管介绍过的:Sea Dragons
Leafy seadragon 叶海龙
sorry, effect very bad, so adjust the colorlevel a lot to make it clear
jellyfish always looks dreamy, this beautiful pink one
But actually this kind is stingy, the long strings from the cap will burn your skin if touch, according to the descrioption
again sea star attach to glass wall, little feet hold on
At sand beach, I think of Denise's wondelful sand objects
They are so nice, but very difficult
:p, so I can only photo some ugly footprints to show respect (not a nice way although)
People playing in the bay
Looking at sea
Peacock over roof
night palm
The fancy music fountain show. Best things cant show on photo. :)
The star in the fountain show, 'It's my world~~, it's my world~~~' :)
Funny Mr cow in Monk Tang dressing


Although these red lantern hanging with lucky words, it thrills me, the sense of ghosts wandering arround, wierd. It's a Vesak Day coming here.
pottery paintings at Dubby Ghauht submay station.
Dubby Ghauht submay station
Canation for mother's day
Dubby Ghauht interchange, the station to change line to China town and little India


  Two living fossils, Nautilus and Limulus: It is always exiting to see animals that almost haven't changed for such a long time.
  Limulus belongs to the order Xiphosura 剑尾目 which exists since Silur (410 - 440 million years ago, 希留利亚纪(Silurian age)). Btw: I just have read that Limulus lives at coasts of North and Central America, and the very similar Carcinoscorpius and Tachypleus live in Southeast and East Asia.
  Ancestors of Nautilus 鹦鹉螺 are known from Devon (泥盘纪, Devonian), about 360-410 million years ago. Except of Nautilus' closest relatives (Nautilina) they all became extinct at the end of Trias (about 210 Million years ago 三叠纪 (Triassic)).
(Info about Geologic Time Scale)
  The sea dragons are beautiful, so colourful and fragile. And so is the jelly fish, like floating weightless. I like the look of jelly fish, they are interesting animals. I'm happy to see that you also are fascinated by them. Unfortunately I made the experience that many people don't like them, they think they are ugly, dangerous and nasty. I can't understand that. People admire dangerous tigers, poisonous sea shells/snails and birds of prey, but they disgust snakes, spiders and jelly fish...
  Santosa beach seems to have a very fine sand quality, nice for bathing. It is different from 'our' beach in Denmark which has many different grain sizes: from fine sand to big pebbles, everything. It is not so nice for the feet but even nicer for your eye.
  Furthermore it has differrent colours. Flintstone 燧石,打火石 and Magnetit 磁铁矿 add a dark component to white quartz 石英 and lime/chalk 石灰石. I'll write something about it in my guestbook.
  The red lanterns indeed look thrilling. What is Vesak Day about?
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2005-5-29 19:48

  Em, Vesak Day is Buddha Day
  Something like Buddha's birthday? No, sorry, it is the Enlightment day under that famous Bodhi Tree 2500 years ago. To honour Buddha's universal peace harmony ideas I suppose, according to The Significance of Vesak - Buddha Day
  But before go to SG, I never heard of Vesak day. And SG Chinese girl in our course gets puzzled that we dont have Vesak day as holiday since China actually is somehow Buddhism country. Of course, firstly we are communism country, maybe that's the reason. :D
  But in my memory, Buddha's flower like my grandma, they will celebrate Kwan-yin's birthday (the female symbol of great mercy, original male figure in India), it's someday in our lunar calendar. O, we also have a day for all flower's birthday (an abstract birthday for all of them, we call hundred of(means all) flowers' birthay). I dont remember the exact date, people will hange red string onto tree branchs to make them happy, a means of greeting to the trees/flowers. But now less people do that. My grandma always knew that, but modern people care less about such things.
  Seems Buddha people have quite some events for Vesak day, but that day it feels weird, nothing of universal peace, maybe peace for the ghost side of world, I don't know.

  And I forgot to say, the sand beach in Santosa is man-made, so they use all refined sands. SG is a business harbour, so its natural beach is not very nice, somehow poluted.
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2005-5-30 8:50

  Ah, that's the reason why the sand is so fine. I already was wondering...
  Thank you for the information on Vesak Day. Buddhism has fascinated me for a while already, but I never knew how to know more about it, how to gain access to the right informations, didn't know which literature is reliable (I am too distrustful ;-)) Maybe I should browse buddhanet a bit.
  When you have found out which date the flowers' birthday is, could you please tell me? I really liked to know that :-)
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2005-6-2 2:36

Day 7 - Jurong Bird Park

Owl in nocturnal bird house. He has a very diginity sharp eyes, sitting on the tree top. But... is he still a night killer here? :(
I like owl very much ever since Mr. Bamboo said he picked up one in woods. What a fancy incident.

Birds are all happy to drink the water people provided, it is hot and thirsty.

Child and birds

portait. :)

a beautiful fly

pure red

The pink come down to fetch the bowl

Very very dull eagle.
Nothing can be worse to be an eagle in cage. Although the bird house is big, but still too small for an eagle.
We see some eagle try to fly, but they have to fold back the very big heavy wings 2 seconds after strech out them, because they've already reached the other side.
It can't be called a fly, the air even doesn't ready to support the strong body.

This big bird and his friends are very funny

They are very curious, come close often, very close. He's thinking of bitting my len's cover hanging down from the camera. And bite without hesitation seconds later, try to pull it out. :D
See the big gray beautiful eyes and long slash?

The falmingos

dropin 2005-5-29 17:38

  Aah, the close-up picture of the funny bird with the long-slashed eyes is super! I hope you're camera is still 'feeling' fine ;-)
  Poor eagle. I always regret seeing predators in cages.

乱看 2005-5-30 9:05

  My camera is fine. :)
  Nothing harmful at all. I am just astonished and scream, then laugh hard. She really pulls hard my len cap, she wants it.


Day 6 - Natiional Orchid Garden 2


Jungle man and big mushroom
faces, blind and deaf?
fountain in Bromeliaceae house, fit the plants so nice
little girl explore in Bromeliaceae house
My first time to see a pineapple growing
The plant on overpass
new leaf is interesting, absolutely flat
the flower
Ah, I see this on my book, let me put it on, I can give name later. :) It is in the cool house. We are very happy to go into cool house, much low temprature.
Red string go down the cliff
We usually have a warm green house for gardening, here they get 'cool house', cool and moisture. The air conditioning keeps on working to cold down the place, and water are pray out from roof, make big fog.
This Indian guy with a handycam seems a specialist. He examines places that I think nothing is there, for long time.
This one looks familiar
The carnivorous plants. The second time see this biting box, last time in Freiburg plant shop. :)
And this carnivorous, too. Unfortunately, or fortunately, no poor insects arround, eat up by them?
Here's the introduction of carnivorous plants on the board:
'Carnivorous plants are well adapted to living in nutrient-poor enviroments. They feed on insects and similar small animals that they catch with their leaves. Such insect traps have different shapes.'
So, if nurient-poor, eat meats instead of vegetables, true for all. :D
The Indian stays here for a long long time. I am quite curious, what he's looking at? Then I see this, the .... Let me copy the name from Denise:
the pitcher plant hanging on the cliff
This handsome cool boy busy eating
If right side tastes not so nice, let's try the left.
This one and next 2 are similar, also on book
nice seat in botanic garden
And these are my famous books bought at the orchid garden shop. 1001 Garden Plants in Singapore, Orchid Basics. We told the book seller next time we can buy the expensive very big orchid book when we have a better knowledge level. :))
The kebaya fan, next time I will buy a kebaya batic, the traditional skirt suit of Indonesia (?)
And 3 wood sculpture from Arab Str. 1$ each on sale: pelican, duck and cat.
Romance Sinapore Perfume, also at orchid garden, maily fruits fragrance, lemon and so on, quite nice. For Gift.
Orchid bookmarks.
very cool handnecklace from Arab Str.

  The flowers on the first picture in the cool house are very nice. I'd like to know the name. Is it an orchid? The flowers look strange, but the leaves are resembling Cattleya.
  The latin name of the hanging pitcher plant is 'Nepenthes' 猪笼草. The pitcher contains a cocktail of enzymes. Little animals are attracted, slip and fall into the cocktail. They can't escape because the inside of the pitcher wall is too smooth.
  The leaves on the photo above look very similar to the pitcher plants I saw in Berlin (Sarracenia 瓶子草).
  The 'biting box' is a Venus Fly Trap (Dionea muscipula 捕蝇草). We made experiments with them at University. There are few small bristles 刚毛 on the upper side of the leaves. If these bristles are touched twice in a very short time, the trap will close quickly. After that it needs a while to recover.
  The grasshopper is great! Reminds me of the Great Green Bush-Cricket (Tettigonia viridissima) I once found in front of our garage. I wanted to save it and put it into the brushes nearby. I knew they can bite, so I grabbed it on its wings and, at the brushes, let it fall by opening my fingers with a sudden movement.
  No use: it turned around in the air, bite me in my finger and jumped away...

Großes Heupferd (Tettigonia viridissima)
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2005-5-29 17:20

  It is the FAMOUS 'Nepenthes' 猪笼草 (in chinese, pig cage weed)!
  I've read the brandy name ever since the basic botanic class in middle school. The book always takes pig cage weed as example to explain there's carnivorous plant existing.
  But I never ever see it.
  And when I see it, I never know it IS pig cage. 真是有眼不识泰山阿! No eyes even for great Mount Tai!
  About snake, I don't know whether I like them or not. I don't have many chances to meet them. I really take a big consideration when see the very big snake at Night Safari (SG zoo). Well, it looks amiable, not bad. And if you donate 5SG$ to animals, you can take photos with carrying big snake, owl and a wild cat. Actually I dont care photo or not, that's stupid. But the idea is to get so close to them. Others are of no doubt, so I think of that snake, can I get so close to him?
  Well, I dont feel disgusting. But I can't say it is really ok. That's the big hesitation.
  And later when I see the young man carrying the 10 feet snake in wild animal show. He's nice. And again I think the snake looks good.
  I should say I make progress in sense of snake.
  I met snake only co-incidently once.
  And actually it is a nice experience.
  It's the night I came back home in middle school. At that time the area of my home is still suburb. The road is under construction, pebbles and limes are pull in. So the air is stingy smoky.
  I guess the contruction disturbs the snake. So suddenly, just a few meter in front of me, a very good looking green snake passing by, cross the road surface covered with lime, and disappears in the mess the other side.
  Ah... it is very very COOL! that's my first time to know how a snake walks. He winds in Y axis direction but moving in purely X axis direction, and very very FAST!
  Incredible. And I still cant get a good sense how it makes such movement even see them many times in the animal documentary program.
  But at that time, I am stunning at the road motionless.
  Guess! I just met a snake, here!
  My head totally messed up with the non-sense fear of snake bite (actually such common green snake is poisonless at all) and the cool movement.
  That is a very big event for me. I remember I wrote it into my Chinese homework. At that time, chinese teacher always asks us to hand in weekly diary to practice writing. And my first Chinese teachers in middle school and high school happened to be very nice, literature enthusastic. This makes my weekly report that period nicer than other time because they read very carefully and wrote very nice comments. So I always tried instinctively to write in very good way to make them happy and gave more nice comments.
  Sometimes the teacher will happily ask me go to his office and chat about last essay. Ah, that really nevous me to death. At that time I am very very shy, don't know to sit or stand in the office, tongue totally bind up...
   That's long long time ago. I still remember the light yellow tea cup mark on my exercise book. My teacher is a good man, he's happy and drink tea with my essay open, spend a long time to evaluate what is good what is not, then call me up into office for a talk.
  I am so thankful.
  About the flower, let me check book later. You know it's an English book... I can't remember those strange names. :p But that's a nice book, all pictures, full plant, flower closeup and fruit, easy to recognize. And anyway a lot of plants actually don't have Chinese name since we don't have them.
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2005-5-30 9:52

  I also have only one ipressing memory of a snake meeting, but it is much younger than yours. It was in 1998, when Sebastian and I were in Denmark together.
  The holiday houses are small wooden houses surrounded by heathen dunes. Ours had a patio with a balustrade. along one side of the house there was a catwalk without a balustrate. One evening I was in a very happy mood and i started walking - no, it was more like a dancing or jumping - over that catwalk. when i reached the patio the catwalk stopped and I was about to jump onto the heather. I forgot to say: I was barfoot.
  Suddenly I recognized a common viper (or adder, Vipera berus) in front of me! The common viper is the only common poisonous snake we have (there is a second one which is very seldom, Vipera aspis).
  In an instant I stopped in the middle of the jump, climbed up the wall of the balustrade and shouted: 'Sebastian, please, the camera, and my shoes!'But the snake was gone. Sebastian saw it again later and took a photo of it.
  Your Chinese teacher were great, I envy you for them. I remember when I was 12 years old,I wrote a 4 pages long fantasy short story (with typewriter). I waited outside the classroom for my German teacher. I was very excited. It was in the beginning of the schoolyear, I didn't know my teacher well yet. I said to him: 'I wrote a short story, four pages long. Do you want to read it?'
  He answered: 'Oh, your homework is four pages long? That's good!'
  I corrected: 'No, not my homework. It is a story that I wrote', but it was no use, he didn't want to read it. I was so disappointed.I stopped writing stories and wrote poems instead for a while.
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2005-5-30 14:16