
Day 6 - Natiional Orchid Garden

  So called luxury. Luxury is, among the countless different beautiful orchids, you just select some of them really please you very much, take a single shoot for it. After back home, you are so selective, only feel very few part of them still look fine. Then give up all the rest without a frown. After all these, you still get a bounch of totally different orchids in hand!
  National Orchid Garden is the highlight inside of botanic garden.
  We sigh and sigh. Imagine we focus again and again to a tiny common flower at home. Now we even get tired of orchids.
  Orchid is the national flower for SG. They call it 胡姬花 in Chinese. If take the translation of Orchard Rd. as 乌节路, we see the translation is not based on Mandarin, but on Cantonese or Fujian dialect. SG people are quite versatile, Chinese usually can speak Mandarin, Cantonese and others.

Dancing orchid. Here it just grows on ground as weeds, nothing important. :(
Sea of yellow dancing orchids
fruit droping down to earth, life begins
Also sea of this
When it is planted in vases
most of them living on trees
Here's my impression of orchid turn down. Their roots wind everywhere, all those long strings are roots. The greedy desire of life, grow and grow. Tree looks misarable. These bright flowers with Medusa's hair
Roots hold on to stem
Something grows on tree top
Little star, unfortunately, not all flower so close to its name card
Orchid in wind. I like it, one branch keep still, one swing
long stems with melody
at the end of melody
flower and fruits
Dellenia philippinensis, katman, Philippines Simpoh
origin: Philippines
again egg flower, on tree, pink version
Plumeria rubra cultivar, Frangipanni
origin: New World Tropics (? where is it)
fire ball
a butterfly on leaf

Latter on, no description needed, all different orchids, enjoy 
This white one is very very big and beautiful
3 elder faces

a line of rabbits
a smile bat
a group of flying ghost

  Wow, I thought the botanical garden in Berlin Dahlem was exciting, but it is nothing compared to what I see on your photos!
  Hehe, I like the 'smiling bat', it is so cute :-)
  Tomorrow I'm going to write something about orchids living on trees and some other plants, but now I am too tired and just want to take these pictures into my dreams...
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2005-5-26 5:08

  I suppose the main reason is, it is tropical, good place for plants to grow and grow all year arround. :)
  O, Singapore is a very nice place in this sense. It is so called the 'tropical gardening city'
  I see your pics, like them very much, write to you later.
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2005-5-26 9:14

  You're right, the colourful floridity comes from tropical climate. I think the charm of the botanical garden in Berlin lies in the green rankness of the forests in the temperate zone and the flowers of low and high mountain range. Visiting the greenhouses is also exciting for us who are not used to this vegetation, but you've always got the feeling to be inside, not in nature. I have added some pics; first I thought it would be too much and restricted them, but now I found it gives a better image of the garden if I show some more.
  But back to your pictures.
  'Something growing on tree tops': this is the Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides); the English name is not correct, for its origine is in Southern USA and South Amerika. And it is no moss but a flower of the family Bromeliaceae which very often are epiphyts = plants growing on trees - just like many orchids.
  Epiphyts usually are no parasites, they just use the bright location in the crown of tropic trees since in rain forests only few sunrays will reach the ground. The epiphyts don't take nutritiants from trees or hurt them. They just sit there and collect sun and water as if they were sitting on a rock.
  I remember only one epiphyt that is a parasite: Mistletoe.
  Exactly these little turtles I have seen in the botanical garden in Berlin! They were in a pool under a waterfall, together with those fish which are popular in Japan - I think the name is 'Koi'.
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2005-5-26 21:39

  Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides) 松萝菠萝
  Yes yes, later in the Bromeliaceae house, the wall are all covered by it. At that time I am quite confused, so the iron wall is the same as a nutrious tree? Now I see.
  I neglect this picture (Em, I'd better to put all picture on,maybe there is some more interesting information in, do it later):
  空氣鳳梨(chinese name is air pineapple, air weeds or moss pineapple) Tillandsia usneoides - Spanish Moss 俗稱「空氣草」、「空氣鳳梨」或「松蘿鳳梨」... 本屬為純種的氣生植物,植表佈滿具有吸收性之楯形茸毛,根的發展減少,配合整個植株大小和水份容量減少,具有驚人的適應能力與耐力,能夠生存於不毛之地或乾旱且燥熱之地區,在原產地(拉丁美洲)可以說是到處存在的~在仙人掌上、電線桿、半空中電線、岩石、樹木...等,均有它們的蹤跡,至於從原生地移植至其他地方,在新環境中,它們也能調適地很好。 栽植方法:找個鐵絲、樹枝、或任何你喜歡的物件,隨您喜歡的模式直接吊掛上去即可... 日常照顧:放置於光線可照射充足的位置(若放置於室內~最好偶爾拿到戶外接受陽光)、由於植物本身之特殊構造,植株會自行吸取空氣中的水份,所以平常二、三天使用噴水器噴一次水即可。或可每月再用調薄的液肥噴一次。
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2005-5-27 9:43

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