
宁波 - 石浦海鲜 (2004.10.3)



Shi Pu is the famous fishing port in Ningbo, Zhejiang province. In the dusk, we arrived there for seafood.


The sea is just open after no fishing season. Fishing boats return back to the bay.


Construction field beside sealine.


Walking between sea and mass.

然后就开吃啦, 梅酒,白虾,贝壳

Plum wine, shrimp and shells




neat table before mass up


Seafood is picked from the water can. The crab running.


Shells in water


The middle is a sea animal living on sea rocks


Fish and sea cucumber soup

sea cucumber
这个叫什么海鞋底?不记得了,反正是因为长得象鞋底,我觉得象大个的西瓜虫。不好吃,吃起来很麻烦,要把外面都仔细剥掉,贵。纯属好奇。->日本花棘石鳖 Liolophura japonica 2012.11.28

The one named something like shoe bottom, for the shape similar


Delicious snail




The one after cook


Before cook


'Never Aging Island Seafood'

Cute cat happy with fish bone in noon sunshine  


  狂吃各类海产的今年夏天阿! 还在流口水阿。。每当我和nino再一次再一次说起时候。。掐者手指头数:竹节虾,,软螺,,海砺子,,扇贝,,蛏子,,蛤蜊,,OMG,,都翻着眼珠无限怀想。。。
  另外,似乎该是conch, mussel,
  再另外,这次nino收集了各色贝壳,对照他的知识图片一一叫出了响亮的名字.so,以后注意你吃完后把壳带回。呵呵 (evidence)
评论人:linz 评论日期:2004-11-30 10:33

  黉 hong 二声
评论人:好色乐之 评论日期:2004-11-30 11:03

评论人:乱看 评论日期:2004-11-30 11:34

  This post is like a lesson in marine biolology for me :)
  The 'shoe bottoms' must be a Mollusk (Snail) from the class 'Polyplacophora', maybe Chiton. I remember them from zoology and palaeontology lessons but haven't seen them by myself. It is astonishing for me to see them in a dish... In German they are called 'Kaeferschnecken' (beetle snails).
  I'll try to find out what the animal between the two shells is. Very interesting.
  The cat seems to be very satisfied with the sea food. No surprise, it looks delicious.
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-11-30 15:47

  Oops, 'biolology' sounds funny ...
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-11-30 15:51

评论人:aprilrain 评论日期:2004-12-1 2:33

  黉, 黉门学子的黉?怎么我记得店里的标签上都是同样的字头,却加个鱼字替代黄?这个东西我是害怕的,不知英文名称叫什么,等结果吧。
评论人:linz 评论日期:2004-12-1 11:23

  I showed your pictures to my colleagues at university. They were very surprised that limulus (the crab with the long tail) and polyplacophora can be eaten.
  They said, the 'sea cucumber' is a kind of polyp; sea cucumbers look different. But none of them had an idea what the green thing between the shells ('sea animal living on sea rocks') could be. We finally agreed: it must be the claw of a dragon! ;)
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-1 17:45

  鲎 hòu
  鲎鱼。亦称中国鲎、东方鲎 [horseshoe crab]。剑尾亚纲,特别是鲎目节肢动物的通称。有一个宽的新月形的头胸甲,在背面有一对大的复眼及两单眼,腹面生出六对步足,中部具一口,有一短小的腹部,腹部与头胸甲有关节相接,腹节愈合成一片,游泳足上附着扁平叶片状鳃,有一长而硬的可动关节的尾剑。如:鲎帆(鲎鱼的脊背);鲎杓(用鲎壳制成的杓子);鲎媚(鲎鱼的别名);鲎樽(用鲎壳制成的酒杯)
  [方]∶虹的别称 [rainbow]
Thank you, Denise. We have some problem about how to write the Chinese name of Limulus. As you may see, that word is very complicated. :) Now, mapping back from Limulus, I get a long long description in dictionary.
Yes, it can be cooked. Almost each seafood shop provides it. And said it is very good to health.

Actually I also dont think it is sea cucumber, but I just cant recall what it is the name. Em, my brain power all focuses on eating at that time. By the way, it is delicious.

The 'shoe bottom'. I think it looks like bettle very much in the first glance. One small common bettle is almose the same style, it likes to roll into a ball whenever in problem, we call it 'watermellon bettle'. But when the seller said it is called shoe bottom, I agreed at once. Because if look from the abdomen, it just like a shoe bottom. :-D
Yes, it is edible. And is expensive, the same degree as the one living on rock. I suppose it is hard to collect them.
But it is troublesome to eat, you should get rid of the shell, clear the outside line arround the shoe bottom (muds arround the shoe), then it is ready for eat. Em, it tastes so so, in our opinion, comparing with the trouble to make it ready.

About the one on rock. Now I think I should take more detailed photo for it, such as the shell opened, the internal. I saw it living on sea side rocks before. So I didn't pay too much attention to it.
We called it: Fo Shou, that is the hand of Budha
Actually there is a fruit also with the same name: Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis Swingle. It is a yellow hand of Budha with fragrance.
This sea food one also called: hand of tortoise, calligraphy brush support (the green mountain like shape similar to the brush support)
the brown part beneath the green shell fixes itself hard into the rock slot. It is very powerful. The island people told us it is a expesive sea food. So I tried to pull it out, no luck. Very strong musle it has.
I tried to search out the English name for it, but, all information is good suggestion to taste it if you go south China seaside. :)
Well, it is a kind of Cirripedia
It looks like shell kind, but said it is more close to crab and shrimp.
The green part is 2 shells. This pic maybe more clear.

评论人:乱看 评论日期:2004-12-2 9:30

  Thanks for your information about the 'hand of Buddha'. The most important hint was: Cirripedia. That was Sebastian's and my suggestion, but my colleagues didn't agree.
  Ok, now I know we're right :)
  Searching the web for 'Cirripedia' I only find pictures of barnacles. They are very common (e.g. in North Sea), sitting on rocks or shells.
  Oh, interesting: searching for 'Fo shou' I find lots of sites (also in German) about Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis. It seems to be a very popular herb.
  Yesterday in my zoology course the students were dissecting crayfish. I couldn't help thinking about how Chinese cooks would prepare it. And, of course, how it would taste...
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-2 16:26

  Do you mean this one?
  Bingo, you are right, we cook it. :-D Well, Chinese eats everything, almost.
  For your information, it is a very deliciouse spicy food:
  Very popular recent years.
  The problem is:
  this crayfish (if it is crayfish) eats all dirty things and living in probably poisonous environment, especially when polution goes more. It will bring the accumulated poison to people, possibly. So it is alway a dilemma: Eat it or not?
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2004-12-2 17:12

  Yes, very similar to that one. We had Turkish crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus). The colour is greenish brown or blue.
  In the past Europeans used to catch and eat crayfish. We have brooks called 'Krebsbach' (crayfish brook), and crayfish can be found on old paintings. Our European crayfish (Astacus astacus) lives in clean water, so it is no problem to eat it. Because of water pollution it became very seldom in nature.
  There are restaurants in Germany who offer crayfish (raised in clean water), but I've never eaten it.
  Recently different species like Turkish or American crayfish are settling in European rivers and brooks. They don't mind dirty water. I guess it wouldn't be healthy to eat them.
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-2 18:53

  what is Cirripedia in Chinese?...@-@?
评论人:linz 评论日期:2004-12-3 16:12

  allow me to try a translation (as i allow you to laugh)
  zhi(1) jiao(3)
  the expression relates to to the twig like extremities the animal uses to filter its food out of the water.
  actually it is not twig (which is wood) but more a very strong but flexible kind of twig, like blackberry plant. so i suppose zhi(1) does not exactly catch the meaning...
  cirripedia is derived from latin:
  cir (tendril) (did not find "tendril" in the dict)
  pes, pedes (foot, feet)
  sorry that i still do not master my input method - need to keep with pinyin.
  many regards from sebastian
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-4 3:39

  btw, here are some drawings of "standard" examples for cirripedia (as they live in the oceans around europe), showing the origin of the name:


  more regards from sebastian
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-4 3:48

  Thank you Sebastian. better understanding now. :)
  Let add some Chinese information get from net:
  1.鳃足亚纲(Branchiopoda) 大多为淡水小型浮游动物,以悬浮于水中的微型浮游生物为食,背甲或有或无。身体的形态以及附肢等变化较大。如丰年虫(Chirocephalus)、鲎虫(Apus)和水蚤(Daphnia)等。
  2.介形亚纲(Ostracoda) 是淡水近底部的动物,在海洋中则为大洋浮游生物的组成成分。体小,分节不明显。头部两对触角都很发达。孤雌生殖普遍。如介虫(Cypris)、海萤(Cypridina)等。
  3.桡足亚纲(Copepoda) 大多自由生活,为海洋和淡水浮游生物的重要组成成分。少数寄生。体多呈圆锥形,头部往往与胸部体节愈合无复眼,体表一般无背甲,腹部无附肢,借头部与胸部附肢动物,如剑水蚤(Cyclops),为各种淡水水域最常见的种类;华镖水蚤(Sinocalanus)是海洋常见的种类。寄生的种类如寄生鱼鳃和皮肤上的中华鳋、锚头鳋(Jernaea)等,对鱼类危害比较严重。
  4.蔓足亚纲(Cirripedia) 全部海生,成体固着生活,背甲变成含石灰质的外壳,包被体或全身。头部不明显,一般为雌雄同体。如藤壶(Balanus)、石砌(Pollicipes) 等。寄生于蟹腹部的蟹奴(Sacculina)整个身体极度简化,形成一无分节的囊,以根状突起伸入宿主内吸取营养。
  5.软甲亚纲(Malacostraca) 身体一般较大,体节和附肢数均有一定。头部与胸部或一部分胸部体节合成头胸部,通常具背甲。绝大多数水生,淡水、海水均有分布,如虾、蟹、虾蛄 (Squilla)、糠虾(Mysis)等等,少数过渡到陆栖生活,如鼠妇(Porcellio),也有极少数寄生种类,如鱼怪 (Ichthyoxenus)。
  如对虾 (Penaeus orientalis)为十足目(Decapoda)、对虾科(Penaeidae),体大,侧扁。表面光滑,甲壳薄。头胸甲有触角刺、肝刺及胃上刺。腹部有纵脊。尾节末端尖。前3对步足钳状。后2对步足爪状。体青蓝色,胸部、腹部肢体略带红色。生活于浅海泥沙底。以小形甲壳类、软体动物的幼体或矽藻为食。产卵期4月至6月。夏初孵化至秋末,体长与亲虾相似。分布于中国黄海、渤海及东海海域。
  I think you mean '枝脚’
  I agree this one sounds more dirrect. But maybe for some historical reason (for example, the first translator prefers), the technical name is '蔓足’(man zu), tendril/vine foot (see! exact tendril! :))))
  Em, now I see why people say this insteresting one is cirripedia...
  after open the two green shell, inside there are a lot of feet/hands.
  It is interesting, the shell looks like a plant (like green bamboo shoot). Then when found out it is not plant, actually a shell. But it is not belong to those shellfish. Actually a cirripedia!
  Very cool.
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2004-12-4 10:24

  you are right, those (枝脚) where the ones i wanted to write.
  still i think '枝' is not really OK, and '蔓' expresses the idea better.
  why? well, you can expect twigs to break, but not tendrils. and when you look at the legs of cirripedia, you will find they are not stiff, but kind of flexible. more like tendrils indeed.
  concerning foot - what is the difference between 脚 and 足 ???
  asks sebastian, the curious.
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-4 16:57

  and some more totally suporfluous information.
  when seeing 十足 i thought of the other animals with 10 feet. because i like 'mo(4) you(2)' better - as a dish....
  sebastian (who else)
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-4 17:28

  Actually we never say '蔓足’in daily life. So when I hit this word after searching, I can't get any idea about what does it mean and thought: well, it is a professional noun, so it's as in-understandable as possible. No sense to think more about it.
  But after some discussion about cirripedia, and check '蔓' in dictionary, I am astonished: it is so strictly mapped! So, the one translated that really worked hard at that time....
  About 脚 and 足,actually there is no difference if you mean 'foot' for them. The only tricky is, 脚 is for daily life using, oral, informal. And 足 is formal, for essay usage. As 'cirripedia' is a technical name, so it is translated into 足 to have a scientific air, more solemn. If translated into '蔓脚', it will feel a little like a nick name (well, actually no such hard nick name at all).
  But as most of Chinese words, they each has different meaning if you use it in other sense.
  So actually in daily life, 十足 means 'very much', to emphasize.
  十,ten, in chinese ten means full, perfect. for example, 十全十美,as perfect as possible (ten full ten beautiful)
  足,means fully filled, enough.
  so 十足 means very much, for example 神气十足,means showy/pround/swollen-headed/stuck-up very much.
  But for Decapoda (十足目), 十足 just means ten feet word by word.
  By the way, is there difference between poda and pedia? Why some is poda, some is pedia?
  Em, do you mean ‘墨鱼’for mo you?
  It should be mo4 yu2 (actuall, u should with omlet), cuttle fish.
  Yes, 泡椒墨鱼仔 is a delicious dish...
  The direct translation of the dish: soaked (with salt) chilli cuttle fish babies. ( :-! seems cruel, babies... I should use small cuttle fish) Em, it is a very good dish.
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2004-12-5 12:34

  Yes, the inside feet of Fo Shou is exact the same as the last black illustration you provided.
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2004-12-5 12:44

  鲎的长相既像虾又像蟹,人称之为“马蹄蟹”,是一类与三叶虫 (现在只有化石)一样古老的动物。鲎的祖先出现在地质历史时期古生代的泥盆纪,当时恐龙尚未崛起,原始鱼类刚刚问世,随着时间的推移,与它同时代的动物或者进化、或者灭绝,而惟独只有鲎从4 亿多年前问世至今仍保留其原始而古老的相貌,所以鲎有“活化石”之称。





说它有四只眼,我一只也没看到。。。 :(

Said Limulus has 4 eyes, I saw none of them...
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2004-12-5 12:54

  (although i have the strong feeling this is again incorrect....)
  the difference between "pod" and "ped". this one is tricky, and many people are not aware of it. 'pod' stems from the greek language (pous, podos), 'ped' from latin. in the western scientific tradition, both languages are used to give names. in older times both languages were regarded to be essential for every scientist, so these were used as common reference each scientist will understand.
  of course times have changed, and sometimes people want to give scientific sounding names, not knowing exactly that there are two different (real) languages behind the (virtual) "scientific" language. and then it happens - a non-word is created, mixed from both languages.
  a very famous example is: "hexadecimal"
  hexa is greek, meaning six (6, 六)
  decimal is derived from latin referring to ten (10, 十)
  putting them together is actually simplpy wrong -- correct would be "sedecimal" (latin) or "hexadekadic" (greek). but people got used to the "wrong" one in the meantime.
  limulus has 4 eyes, but they are very very small. let's wait for denise to explain it in more detail.
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-5 19:37

  just noted: last night there was an earthquake (5.4 richter) in southern black forest.
  the epicenter was close to freiburg.
  but no severe damages, no injured people.
  and i simply slept.
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-5 19:51

  Here are drawings of limulus showing the position of the eyes:
Limulus polyphemus ©
Horseshoe Crab

  The 2 compound eyes on the sides are bigger and easier to find; the 2 ocelli are very small and close together at the front of the head.
  A compound eye is the highly developed eye of arthropods (crabs, insects). Here is a site with a good explanation:

  The Compound Eye
  An ocellus is a very simple eye, it only can distinguish between light and dark/shadow.
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-5 22:37

  Thanks, sebastian and Denise.
  Em, next time I will check the eyes if I meet it somewhere again. Interesting.
  No, 谢十足 is not correct.
  Emm, I didn't tell you actually 十足 has a very slight negative sense. And it is used with some fixed words. So it can't be used just as 'Thank you very much'.
  Instead, you can use 多谢 (Many thanks) or 十分感谢 (very much thank you)
  The negative sense can see more apparent in the following example:
  He is a totally rascal.
评论人:乱看 评论日期:2004-12-6 16:34

  see, i got a presentiment....
  sebastian says thank you very much for your explanation.(still i have a problem to understand the negative air of ten feet)
评论人:dropin 评论日期:2004-12-6 20:06

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